The training course in detail
Overall theme and context
The Conservatoire du littoral and the PIM Initiative have developed the COGICO MOOC, with the support of the Agence de l’eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse and the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial, in order to share best practices for the conservation of islands, coasts and oceans, and to meet the objective of better training managers of these territories, in a multidisciplinary approach.
Training objectives
The training program aims to meet the current challenges of managing coastal, marine and island areas by breaking down barriers between areas of expertise and knowledge, and by strengthening synergies between the players involved in managing islands, coasts and oceans.
Teaching and activities
Those who register for the MOOC have access to a wide range of educational content in a variety of forms and media, organized around 8 thematic modules: theoretical guides, video testimonials from professionals, quizzes and assessments, and additional resources.
An immersive phase is offered to complement the virtual learning of the MOOC. During this face-to-face training, learners will take part in educational workshops, field trips, site visits and meetings with stakeholders. At the same time, learners will develop their ability to work with people from different backgrounds, organize tasks, produce deliverables within deadlines, and present information orally using appropriate media.
An active teaching method will be used: learners will have to appropriate the theoretical content and apply it directly to very concrete cases.
Registration details and timetable
The MOOC is available from May 13, 2024 to January 15, 2025.
The face-to-face phase will run from May 13 to May 23, 2025. 30 learners from all over the world will be selected from among the most assiduous, motivated and eager to perfect their knowledge and confront it with the realities of the field.
Target audience
This training course is aimed at experienced professionals or people with an interest in preserving our coastal ecosystems.
L’Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse
Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial
L’Initiative pour les Petites îles de Méditerranée
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