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About us

Learnsomething else

In the past, there has been a focus on providing technical skills to “develop” territories. Today, at a time when technology has shown its limitations, it is essential to strengthen new skills and acquire different capabilities. This means learning to explore imagined worlds, overcome cognitive biases, understand systems, collaborate, be flexible, and be creative. The range of skills needed to truly transform the existing dynamics has broadened and can be divided into three main categories: knowledge, expertise, and interpersonal skills.


The Campus AFD monitors the latest developments in cognitive and educational sciences and uses them to create transformational training programmes based on the most engaging teaching methods.

People are at the heart of our training: not only their brains, but also their body and emotions, which play a vital role in learning. Our courses focus on dialogue, collective intelligence, and learning together. This involves taking an active or experience-based approach to teaching and leveraging imaginations to share knowledge, find inspiration, open new possibilities, and innovate.

Digital tools are used to provide access to a wide range of additional resources and to run online classes and webinars.


Our courses aim to change perspectives, challenge current ways of reasoning, anchor thinking locally, and mobilise the wealth of local knowledge and skills. To do this, our team encourages the co-creation of educational programmes with local stakeholders and focuses on shared learning, particularly with regard to the diversity of participants.

OUR vision

In an evolving world, there is a pressing need to change how we think and live. This means new skills are required and new ways of learning must be adopted.

The goal of the Campus AFD is to provide a platform dedicated to the development of professional skills and a space for reinvention. It is a network where people, perspectives, and ideas come together and a place for new forms of training and in-depth reflections on the issues of the day.

To encourage a spirit of openness and sharing, the Campus AFD is designed for both people inside and outside the organisation. These two groups of people can pursue their training together when the content and format of a course are suitable.

Discover our vision at a glance! (IMAGE IN FRENCH)

OUR mission

The Campus AFD is the training centre for the Agence Française de Développement. It is dedicated to building shared knowledge, exchanging experiences, and developing the skills needed to design and implement high-impact policies or projects that will accelerate positive transitions in countries in the Global South. With locations in Marseille and Paris, the Campus AFD organises AFD’s external and internal training services.

The Campus AFD is a learning laboratory that designs, tests, and deploys innovative training formats aimed at strengthening knowledge, expertise, and interpersonal skills. The Campus AFD’s training programmes support the transition towards a sustainable world in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Overseas France. They are intended for AFD staff, collaborators, and development partners.

The Campus AFD is…

The Campus AFD is a training centre founded in 1963. It has trained a large community of development workers in southern countries and adapted its courses and teaching methods to evolving needs and learning conditions.

A powerful skills development tool dedicated to the group’s 4,000 employees

More than 50 training courses, face-to-face and remotely, now open, partly internal and external, and x external training courses

Nearly 60 partners in the south and north

Beneficiaries from more than 50 nationalities from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Overseas

A network of more than 7,500 alumni (+ those from internal training?)

A team of 35 employees