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Food security in Africa

Territorial, environmental, and energy transitions

5h en distanciel, 1 semaine en présentiel



Sur candidature

Online untutored course

The training course in detail

Note: Applications are now closed, but a mini MOOC will soon be available to all.

Global theme / context

Food security in Africa lies at the heart of the continent’s socio-economic and political challenges, and is therefore intrinsically linked to other contemporary African issues, such as soil health. Our institutions have therefore decided to pool their expertise in order to propose a cross-disciplinary approach to the issue, taking into account all the dynamics at work. Access to food is a priority if we are to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2, “Zero Hunger”.

Open to a cohort of 30 participants from French- and English-speaking Africa as of September 2024, this online training program will offer learners a systemic vision addressing the major axes linked to the subject: history and contextualization of food security in Africa, One Health approach, sustainable production issues, innovations, accessibility of food and fair remuneration of producers in Africa.

At the end of the MOOC, the learners, young leaders in the agricultural and food sector representing the diversity of the industry, will take part in an autumn school to be held at the end of October in Morocco, on the UM6P campus in Ben Guerir.

Training ojectives

Benefit from a systemic, transversal and contextualized approach to Food Security in Africa,

  • Live a transformational experience in Morocco,
  • Join a continental community of committed actors,
  • Accelerate your impact by discovering inspiring initiatives

Pedagogy & activities

Course modules will be delivered online to cover a common core of knowledge and concepts, which will then be worked on iteratively during the summer school. Participants who have completed the online MOOC will travel to Morocco in October, where they will spend a week at UM6P’s Ben Guerir campus. This privileged face-to-face time will create a real group cohesion and allow participants to experiment with innovative learning methods to go deeper into the subject and manipulate in a different way the concepts and knowledge transmitted upstream.

It will be organized around the following pedagogical activities: peer-to-peer exchanges and debates, site visits, talks by inspiring experts, collective intelligence workshops.


Selection | Mid-August: announcement of selected candidates

Onboarding | September: Meeting and greeting of selected participants (remote)

Phase 1 – Get inspired | September: Follow-up of the MOOC (videos, quizzes, activities, etc.) and exchanges between pairs (remotely)

Phase 2 – Experience | October 20 to 26, 2024: 6 days on site at Ben Guerir on the UM6P campus (face-to-face)

Target audience

  • Young professionals (<40 years old) working in a sector related to Food Security in Africa.
  • Various profiles related to agriculture and food: farmers, agronomists, members of rural development NGOs, heads of producer organizations, entrepreneurs, agricultural advisors, members of ministries of agriculture, etc.
  • English or French speakers


Mohamed 6 Polytechnic University (UM6P)

Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)

UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems