For the 5th year running, the AFD Group Campus team is mobilizing from August 26 to September 1 in Arles, as part of the Agir pour le Vivant festival. A week of inspiration and reflection, with round tables, screenings, performances, work and creative residencies, to contribute to new shared imaginations! This year, the AFD Group Campus is contributing to two residencies, recording a series of podcasts and organizing an evening event in collaboration with the Fondation de l’innovation pour la démocratie.
From August 26 to September 1, 2024, the city of Arles will host the fifth edition of the Agir pour le Vivant festival Agir pour le Vivant.
Agir pour le vivant is a week of roundtables, screenings, performances, work and creative residencies, exhibitions and territorial experiments, weaving together imaginary worlds, disciplines and players committed to the Living Whole. Since 2020, the festival has established itself as an essential space for reflection and action in the national and international debate on ideas and commitment, from Colombia to Cameroon.
- A long-standing partner of the event since its inception, this year the AFD Group Campus will be organizing two residencies, recording a series of podcasts, and offering an evening in collaboration with the Fondation de l’innovation pour la démocratie. AFD’s Strategy, Foresight and Institutional Relations Department will also be hosting an open-air residency and conversation.
- Throughout the week, as part of the Après le Développement (After Development) residency organized by Sabrina Guérard and Martin Seralta, some 15 AFD Group employees will take part in debates and exchanges with intellectuals, artists and representatives of civil society. Through their contact with them, they will question their practices as development players, their implications, ruptures, drifts and definitions.
- At the same time, following on from the event organized last February at the Mucem on the theme of “Reconnecting ties, reinventing democraty“, Sarah Marniesse and Saskia Thuleau, in partnership with the Fondation de l’innovation pour la démocratie, will be leading an itinerant residency on the issue of the link in democracy, examining the crisis of contemporary relationality and its impact on democracy, while proposing ways of repair that fully integrate emotions and vulnerability.
- To mark the publication of the book Droits de la nature, participants from AFD, Caisse des dépôts et consignations, IRD, Fondation Zoein and OFB will gather in Arles for a residency led by Marine Calmet and Farid Lamara. This meeting will take the form of an exchange on the multiplicity of initiatives and territories involved in the rights of nature movement, the bearer of a new paradigm for a living society. This multi-disciplinary exchange will enable us to identify the complementarities between institutions and imagine avenues for future collaboration.
- On the same subject, legal expert Marine Calmet, Rémy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer of AFD, and writer and lawyer Philippe Sands will be meeting in the Jardin des Alyscamps for an open–air conversation on Wednesday August 28. A privileged exchange of ideas for a new legal imaginary that will enable us to reinvent a different way of being in the world, in symbiosis with Life.
- Finally, on August 29, La Croisière will be the setting for an evening of readings, music and discussion, hosted by Sarah Marniesse. The evening will celebrate “La communauté terrestre” (terrestrial community), the ultimate utopia for thinking and creating en-commun. Historian Achille Mbembe, philosopher David Abram, sociologist Kaoutar Harchi, political scientist Nadine Machikou, saxophonist Raphaël Imbert and Valle Cauca coordinator Maria Campo will join us to draw a mosaic of voices and cosmogonies from around the world.
The Campus team looks forward to seeing you at the Agir pour le Vivant festival!
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