Home > Our training courses > Transform’Action


Transforming people and organisations

22 days (over 6 months)


Francophone Africa and France

By application

Online and On-site

The training course in detail

Overall theme and context

The aim of the Transform’action certificate course is to provide the knowledge, skills, and interpersonal approaches that are needed to design and support innovative managerial and organisational projects and help transform public organisations in French-speaking Africa. Co-constructed for and alongside groups of managers at AFD’s partner public organisations in Africa, Transform’action enables participants to develop forward-thinking managerial practices and become true facilitators of transformation with their organisations.

Learning objectives

  • To co-construct a body of knowledge and develop the technical and soft skills needed to lead managerial transformation/innovation projects.
  • To incubate organisational innovation projects.
  • To create a community that can facilitate transformation within the African public sector.

Training & activities

This hybrid training-action course is based on experimenting with new practices within a community of “Transform’actors”. It is structured around theme-based modules that are then applied to a real-world project that has been selected by the participants as part of a progressive “test and learn” approach. Each module is made up of theoretical sessions, case studies, simulations, and peer-to-peer sharing of experiences. Particular emphasis is placed on supporting participants in their environment and their organisation through a variety of methods (individual tutoring, peer groups, coaching).

Registration details and timetable

Applications will open shortly.

Target audience

Groups of managers within the same public-sector partner in French-speaking Africa and AFD staff.


Université Senghor

MakeSense France, Senghor