Home > Our training courses > The Fresco of African Cities

The Fresco of African Cities

Territorial, environmental, and energy transitions

A half-day


In-person workshop

Application process

Online and On-site

The training course in detail

Overall theme and context

With more than half of the world’s population now living in urban areas, towns and cities are expected to undergo far-reaching changes in the coming years. This will require new ways of thinking about urban development planning. These are global trends, but they particularly affect African cities, which are experiencing exponential growth. The challenges are complex and need to be addressed in a systemic way. The situation calls for new solutions and new ways of thinking.

Learning objectives

  • To shed light on the interdependencies between the various issues facing African cities
  • To understand the city as a system.
  • To engage in discussions on possible drivers for change.
  • To adopt a multi-sectoral, forward-looking, solutions-oriented approach.

Teaching and activities

The Fresque des Villes Africains [Fresco of African Cities] is a serious game made up of 43 cards covering the main topics associated with urbanisation and urban development. It is accompanied by a guide to facilitate the playing of the game. The guide includes advice on how to run the “action” phase, which focuses on the collective search for solutions. A digital version of the game is also available, which can be used in online sessions.

Registration details

This workshop takes place over half a day. It can be run on request from the Campus AFD. Contact us for more information!

Target audience

Local elected representatives, public-sector and private-sector territorial planning and development executives, urban planners, teachers, researchers, students from French-speaking Africa, and AFD staff.


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