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Back to MODEV

Transforming people and organisations

4 days

French, English


Application process


The training course in detail

Overall theme and context

The MODEV Master’s programme has welcomed almost 500 managers from institutions and companies for training connected to project management, sustainable development, sector-specific issues, and major transitions. The MODEV alumni form a vast network of professionals working in different sectors. Graduates stay in touch through national associations and class connections to facilitate mutual progress and expand on the skills acquired through the Master’s programme. The MODEV community acts as a driver for positive change as its members share experiences and best practices to benefit local high-impact projects. The AFD and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Sustainable Development (IHEDD) seek to actively encourage this shared approach to initiatives.

Training objectives

  • To bring together a group of about two dozen MODEV graduates who want to get involved in the leadership of this community.
  • To support participants as they come up with realistic ways of boosting exchanges and interactions between TURGOT/MOPP/MODEV alumni.
  • To discuss the main events and key takeaways from their time in the Master’s programme and how it has enhanced their professional lives.

Teaching and activities

The Back to MODEV training programme is structured around different workshops to experiment with ideas, to develop the core principles of the alumni network, to further develop leadership skills, and to practice approaches for co-constructing, prototyping, and organising. After completing these workshops, participants will establish an action plan and define their next steps.

Registration details and timetable

  • Open to MODEV (ex-MOPP) Master’s graduates.
  • This training course takes place over four days. The next session will be held from May 30 to June 3 2024.

Target audience

Auditors from the TURGOT programme trained between 1961 and 2006, and graduates of the MOPP Master’s programme and the MODEV Master’s programme, and AFD agents with MODEV diplomas
