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Terms of use

The www.campus.groupe-afd.fr website (hereinafter referred to as “the website” or “the AFD Group campus website”) is published by Agence Française de Développement (hereinafter referred to as “AFD”), a public establishment with an endowment of €2 807 998 856, registered with the Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris under the number B 775 665 599 and with the intracommunity VAT number FR 80 775 665 599.

Legal Information

Address and contact information:

  • Address: 5 rue Roland Barthes, 75598 PARIS Cedex 12
  • Telephone: +33 (0)1 53 44 31 31  
  • Fax: +33 (0)1 44 87 99 39

Content management system:

  • WordPress

Director of the publication:

  • Sarah MARNIESSE, Head of the Campus AFD

Editorial director and content management:

  • Pashu CHRISTENSEN, Communication and Editorial Content Lead for the Campus AFD

Content administration: 

  • Campus AFD

Publisher of the website campus.groupe-afd.fr

This website is published by Agence Française de Développement, a local public establishment of an industrial or commercial nature, with a registered capital of €4 567 998 856, whose head office is located at 5 rue Rolland Barthes 75012 PARIS.

 Telephone: +33 (0)1 53 44 31 31

Producer of the campus.groupe-afd.fr site

This website is produced by STUDIO B & Liflab, a simplified joint stock company with a single shareholder with a capital of €12 000, whose registered office is at 29, rue des Arènes, 13200, Arles.

Telephone: +33 (0)4 90 96 39 04

Hosting of the campus.groupe-afd.fr website

  • Company name: CEGEDIM
  • Legal status: Société Anonyme par conseil d’Administration
  • Head office: 129 rue d’Aguesseau, 92110, BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT
  • Telephone: +33 (0)1 41 86 36 00
  • RCS business registration number and location: Nanterre B 350 422 622
  • Company capital: €13 336 506 
  • Intracommunity VAT number: FR17350422622

Terms and conditions

Welcome to website for the Campus AFD, the Group AFD’s new showcase for its campus.

Any connection to the website is subject to compliance with these conditions. For the Internet user (hereinafter referred to as the user), simple access to the website implies acceptance of all the conditions described below and an undertaking to comply with them.

Presentation of the website

The purpose of the portal is to provide general information on the activities of the Campus AFD. The website can be accessed here: https://campus.groupe-afd.fr/en/

This website was designed in French. For your convenience, the AFD is also providing an English version.

Warning and liability

The AFD makes every effort to ensure that this website functions properly and is secure, and that the information it contains is accurate and up-to-date. However, the AFD cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, or thoroughness of the information available on this site.

It is the responsibility of website users to verify the information by other means, including by contacting the management of the Campus AFD.

The user is aware of the risks associated with the use of Internet services..

Consequently, they acknowledge and accept:

  • to use the website at one’s own risk;
  • that the AFD cannot be held responsible for service interruptions and the consequences that may result for any Internet user;
  • the AFD’s obligation to provide available information is limited to an obligation of means;
  • that the AFD reserves the right to correct or delete, at any time and without prior notice, the general structure of the site or its content;
  • that the AFD cannot guarantee its comprehensiveness or that it has not been modified by a third party (intrusion, virus).

AFD therefore declines all responsibility for:

  • for any imprecision, inaccuracy, or omission relating to information available on the website;
  • for any imprecision, inaccuracy, or omission relating to information available on the website;
  • and more generally for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, nature, or consequences, caused as a result of any person accessing the site or the impossibility of accessing it, as well as the use of the site and/or the credibility given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter;
  • if you are unable to access this site and/or use the services.

If you have any questions about these terms of use, you can write to the AFD site administrator using this form (in French) or by sending a message to the following address:

Agence Française de Développement
Campus address [LF3] 

Intellectual property rights

The AFD holds full copyright for the website and the services offered. Consequently, you are prohibited from selling, adapting, modifying, reproducing, distributing, transmitting, or using in any other way all or part of the website and the services offered, in any form or by any means whatsoever, on any current or future medium.

Any user who does not comply with the laws and regulations in force may be prosecuted by the AFD.

Reporting violations

AFD is not subject to any general obligation to monitor or search for illegal content. However, AFD endeavours to maintain the quality of the website’s content.

If you notice or consider that the content published on the Campus AFD site is manifestly unlawful, pleasse report it by filling in this form (currently available only in French).

Any misuse of this notification system may result in civil or criminal penalties.

Right of reply

If you feel that any content is damaging to your reputation, you can exercise your right of reply by filling in this form (currently only available in French) [LF5]. 

Your right of reply will be published within three working days of the receipt of your message. Any improper reporting will expose you to civil or criminal penalties.

Restriction on mirroring

The site may not be put online by a third party under another URL without the express prior authorisation of the AFD.

Hypertext links

  1. The AFD authorises any website to establish a link to the www.campus.groupe-afd.fr address after prior notification to the following address: 
  2. Any link of this type must comply with the legal and regulatory provisions in force. The AFD cannot be held responsible for links established from another site that direct to the AFD site.
  3. The AFD reserves the right to prohibit these links at any time, without prior notice and without having to justify its decision. In this case, AFD will inform the person concerned, who will have two working days to remove the link.
  4. The AFD cannot be held responsible for hypertext links to other sites, particularly with regard to the content of these sites.

Modifications to these general terms and conditions of use

The AFD reserves the right to modify these conditions of use at any time and without prior notice, in order to adapt them to changes in the site and/or its manner of operation.

Integrity of the contract

If one or more of the clauses of these general terms and conditions of use were to be declared null and void in application of a law, a regulation, or following a final decision handed down by a competent court, the other clauses of the general terms and conditions would retain their binding force to the extent of the said decision.

Laws and jurisdiction of the courts

These general terms and conditions of use, the legal notice, and the website are governed by the provisions of French law. This translation is being provided as a service and if there is any dispute over the interpretation, the original French text will be used as the reference.

If an amicable solution cannot be found within a reasonable period of time, any disputes arising from the use of the AFD website or from the interpretation and application of the general terms and conditions of use will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

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