What are the paths to a sustainable world?

The training course in detail
Overall theme and context
The challenges facing people as the planet enters the Anthropocene are complex. It is essential to understand the scope of the problems and identify sustainable and effective solutions. This means appreciating the nature of the issues, their interrelationships, their orders of magnitude, and the major principles that are shaping our world. Once the situation has been properly assessed, it becomes possible to propose a framework for change and possible solutions
Learning objectives
- To establish the framework for understanding the Anthropocene, i.e. to explore the major physical principles and natural limits that regulate our world, and to trace the demographic, economic, social, and environmental factors that explain the state of the planet today.
- To identify the type of challenges we face. Participants will discover the physical and living resources that enable us to meet our needs, some of which are endangered by our activities.
- To make a forward-looking analysis of humanity’s future needs and review certain theoretical models and institutional frameworks that can help us devise possible solutions.
Registration details
This course is available all year round. This MOOC lasts 6 hours and is organized into 3 modules of 2 hours each.
Target audience
Open to everybody
Learning Planet Institute
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