Identify and build your development project

The training course in detail
Overall theme and context
The course examines questions related to the project cycle and project management tools while incorporating a broader reflection on how development organisations and professionals can respond to the major challenges of the 21st century. This involves a particular focus on reconciling the urgent action required to offset the threats to the planet with the recognition of the complex nature of development issues. This programme is aimed at French-speaking professionals in the development sector.
Training objectives
- To improve management approaches for sustainable development projects.
- To explore the balance between environmental and development goals.
Learning and activities
This training programme is organised into two courses of three modules each. Participants can follow the programme at their own pace or take part in tutored sessions.
Registration details and timetable
This course has two parts. First, there is an online distance learning format that is open to everyone (cycle of three courses). The second part involves a one-week face-to-face course for 20 participants selected from those who have completed the initial online portion. The next session to qualify for the face-to-face training will take place from December 2023 to June 2024. A call for applications will be issued during the summer of 2024.
Target audience
Development professionals, AFD staff
University of Clermont Auvergne, FERDI
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