Join the 2024 Edition of the Mediterranean Talent Academy, an innovative programme to build a positive Mediterranean
Apply before 13 October 2024 here to join the Académie des Talents Méditerranéens (ATM – Mediterranean Talent Academy), a programme that aims to change the way our two shores are seen today, to unleash the potential of Mediterranean youth to create a shared narrative and transform their societies through unifying projects rooted in their territories.
The Académie des Talents Méditerranéens (ATM – Mediterranean talent academy), initiated in 2021 by the AFD Group Campus and
StartUpBrics, is now operated by INCO and supported by the AFD Group through its Campus and its North Africa Regional Department, with the support of the Interministerial Delegation for the Mediterranean (DIMED).
The programme will support 25 talented young people aged between 20 and 40 from 12 countries: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania, Egypt, Lebanon, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Malta. The programme brings together talented young people from both sides of the Mediterranean who are keen to make a commitment to the Mediterranean.
This hybrid (face-to-face and online), itinerant (between the two shores) and bilingual (English/French) 8-month training programme is designed to support young talents from a wide range of sectors who are committed to the Mediterranean.
These talented young people must have a project or initiative with a positive impact on the Mediterranean, in areas such as the cultural and creative industries, the environment, infrastructure, the media, the social sectors, research, sport, crafts or any other relevant field.
The programme aims to :
- Develop their full potential in a changing world
- Understand contemporary Mediterranean issues (economic, social and cultural)
- Carry out high-impact projects/initiatives in the Mediterranean
- Unite a community of ‘ambassadors’ with a new vision of the Mediterranean
- Create a shared project around a new Mediterranean narrative, driven by a committed community
Supporting through face-to-face meetings to explore your Mediterranean identity
- Following the call for applications phase on 13 October 2024 and an initial selection, 50 talents will start the programme in December 2024 and take part in weekly online group workshops.
- This phase will conclude at the end of January 2025 with a selection committee that will choose the 25 project or initiative leaders who will continue the programme until July 2025.
- These 25 talents will benefit from 2 to 3 face-to-face meetings, including at least one in Marseille and one in Tunis, in order to encourage intercultural exchanges, improve group cohesion and build a real community of ambassadors for the region that will last over time.
Supporting with a space for meetings, reflection, inspiration and action
Taking part in the ATM programme means wanting to change the way we look at our two shores, to unleash the potential of Mediterranean youth to create a common narrative and transform their societies through federative projects rooted in the territories.
ATM proposes an innovative, cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. The programme aims to offer content that encourages exchanges and collective intelligence, as well as individual support adapted to the specific nature of each project. To achieve this, the programme will draw on a network of specialist experts from across the Mediterranean basin.
Who should apply?
Apply if you are :
- aged between 20 and 40, from all sectors and involved in initiatives relevant to the Mediterranean
- A citizen of one of the following 12 countries: France, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Algeria, Mauritania, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Italy, Malta
- Sponsor a project or initiative with a positive impact on the Mediterranean
- Willing to make a commitment to the Mediterranean and the construction of a positive Mediterranean through the creation of a shared narrative
- Have a good knowledge of written and spoken English and/or French
Apply here / Link to the ATM website: https://www.academie-des-talents-med.com
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