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Mixed audiences on campus!

Published on 23 July 2024

At the beginning of July, the first edition of the community leadership training course was held in Marseille, bringing together internal participants (AFD Group staff) and external participants (partners), in line with the Group’s objective of promoting a diversity of audiences.

Leading a community means setting in motion the collective dynamics of a group and supporting its members so that they can strengthen their networks, share their experiences and contribute effectively to accelerating transitions. The aim of this training course is to reinforce the skills of community leaders in the service of collective dynamics. In face-to-face workshops, they explore and experiment with facilitation tools and practices related to their specific issues.

Group staff (EF, MPC, SDD, etc.) and local players (Ville de Marseille, INCO, etc.) got together to discuss their “fil rouge” projects, an excellent opportunity for AFD & its partners to come together and promote mutual understanding. An external participant commented: “(…) there’s a before and an after. We embark on a 3-day adventure, where we quickly form a community. Experimenting with collective intelligence tools is at the heart of the process, and this enables us to identify the right tools for our respective programs.”

In 2025, we will be opening up this training to our partners in the South.

Next session: Marseille, December 10-12. For more information, click here.